Tag Archives: Norm Charboneau

Recap and Reflections on “My Life: The Prequel (in Snapshots)” #atozchallenge2024

Recap and Reflections on My Life: The Prequel (in Snapshots)— Including all 26 posts in the April 2024 Blogging from #AtoZChallenge. Thanks for joining me on the journey and commenting along the way!

Now that the April 2024 Blogging from #AtoZChallenge is over, I am happy to be among the winners who completed the online marathon — for the sixth time! Yet this year, I am also sorry that the challenge has ended. Here’s why:


Over the past month, I got to spend quality time with my late parents Norm and Peg (Laurence) Charboneau — getting to know them better, discovering what mementos they cherished from youth, finding answers to questions that I never asked them, and learning how they grew into the parents I loved even without knowing their back story.

Me relaxing with the stars of this year’s series: My parents Norm and Peg (Laurence) Charboneau (1952). Spending an entire month writing daily about my parents was like having them back beside me — and I am grateful that the A-to-Z Challenge gave me the opportunity. Photo by Liz (Stoutner) Laurence/Scan by Molly Charboneau

After they retired, Mom and Dad joined me on our genealogy journey — interviewing relatives, trekking through cemeteries, collecting family documents and artifacts, and telling me their own stories during oral history interviews. Family was that important to them.

Spending an entire month writing daily about my parents was like having them back beside me — and I am grateful that the A-to-Z Challenge gave me the opportunity.

Series Recap

Below, in alpha order, are links to this year’s #AtoZChallenge2024 posts about My Life: The Prequel (in Snapshots) — adding my parents’ story to the family history mix. Please check out any posts you may have missed. Comments are still open on the later posts. I love hearing from readers!


Many thanks to the team for keeping the A-to-Z Challenge going — and to everyone who visited, subscribed, followed, and commented on Molly’s Canopy. You made my sixth #AtoZChallenge so rewarding. And now that you’ve met my family, please follow, subscribe and join me throughout the year as my genealogy journey continues!

Up next: After a break, regular blogging resumes at Molly’s Canopy. Please stop back!

© 2024 Molly Charboneau. All rights reserved.