Category Archives: A to Z Challenge 2016

One-stop summary: Ancestors from A to Z

One-stop summary of the twenty-six Molly’s Canopy posts in the April 2016 Blogging From A to Z Challenge — in which I was survivor number 1127 on my first time out! Thanks for joining me on the journey!

When the April 2016 Blogging From A to Z Challenge ended on April 30, I was happy to be counted among the survivors who completed the online marathon. Not bad for a first-time participant!image

After generating twenty-six posts in just one month, I am craving a return to the more leisurely pace of weekly blogging as I continue to explore my ancestors’ lives and the research techniques used to find them.

Still to come is my Reflections post about my A to Z Challenge experience.

Ancestors From A to Z recap

But for this week — while I mentally recharge — here is a summary of my Ancestors From A to Z posts from April 2016 so you can check out any you may have missed. Comments are still open on the later posts, so please join in!

Please stop back for the next post – Molly’s Canopy: Reflections on Ancestors from A to Z.

© 2016 Molly Charboneau. All rights reserved.

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